Become a MathWiz Today!

MathWiz is a web-based resource designed for teachers and students in Ontario's Grade 9 and 10 Math courses.

Our Learning, Teaching and Class Management tools have been developed by experienced teachers dedicated to making math education more accessible and relevant for today's learner.

Join your Class if you have a Class Code (ie. ABCDEF)

Enter the code when you login
or when you create your account.

Looking to move your Classes online?

Create classes under your account
and enrol your students.

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Home schooling Gr. 9/10?
This is what you need.

Give your child access to a
great program used by thousands.


"Take Charge of your Learning"

What you need for greater achievement

"Carpe Diem"

Enhance your distance learning program

"New Video format News"

Apple, Android, Site Use

"Grade 9/10 Outlines"

Our Approach, Units and Lessons

"Steps to get Started"

Student and Teacher Start-up Guides